openQCD-FASTSUM build system

The openQCD-FASTSUM build system is an improvement of the original openQCD build system, and allows for compiling the code in a different folder to where the source directory is located. This makes it easier to compile multiple versions of the code, something that is often necessary due to the fact that the lattice dimension is hard coded at compile time.

During compilation a source file containing the current date and the compile flags used will be generated and this information will be prepended to the log file of every run. If the code location also is a git repository, the current SHA will also be added to the log (along with a release tag and a dirty specifier if the source files have been modified).


The makefile is written so that it is easy to compile exactly the component one needs. There are two targets listing all targets:

  • help: prints a formatted help message with general information
  • list-targets: automatically generated list of non-rule targets

The main executables can either be specified individually (qcd1, ms1, ym1, …), or compile all executables with the all target. all is also the default target if no other target is specified.

The tests can be compiled with the tests target. One can also compile the tests individually, for example

make devel/stout_smearing

will build all stout smearing tests, while for example

make devel/stout_smearing/test01_omega_matrices

will build a specific test in that module.

It is also possible to build an archive of a single module as every module is a valid target. However this is not all that useful due to the way the modules are structured.


The compilation is configured by editing the compile_settings.txt file. An example file could read:

COMPILER /usr/bin/mpicc
MPI_INCLUDE /usr/include/mpi

CFLAGS -std=c89 -O2 -DAVX -DFMA3 -Werror -Wall


L0 8
L1 8
L2 8       
L3 8       


The options are as follows:

  • CODELOC: The location of the openqcd-fastsum root directory, accepts both relative and absolute paths

  • COMPILER: Specify which compiler to use

  • MPI_INCLUDE: Location of the mpi.h header file

  • CFLAGS: Compiler flags passed to the compilation stages, see the next section for a list of available flags for the openQCD software

  • LDFLAGS: Compiler flags passed to the linker

  • NPROCx_TOT: Number of nodes in the x’th direction. Corresponds to the NPROCx macros in the source code.

  • Lx: Local number of lattice sites in the x’th direction. Corresponds to the Lx macros in the source code.

  • NPROCx_BLK: Processor block size. Corresponds to the NPROCx_BLK macros in the source code.

Compile flags

The code can be further specialised through a set of compiler flags specified through the CFLAGS option in the compile_settings.txt file. There are two different types of these flags: intrinsics, specifying which intrinsic vectorisation instructions to use, and debugging, specifying the debugging output.


Current Intel and AMD processors are able to perform arithmetic operations on short vectors of floating-point numbers in just one or two machine cycles, using SSE and/or AVX instructions.

Many programs in the module directories include inline-assembly SSE and AVX code. Inline assembly is a GCC extension of the C language that may not be supported by other compilers. On 64bit systems the code can be activated by setting the compiler flags -Dx64 or -DAVX, respectively. Furthermore, one can enable AVX-512 instructions with the flag -DAVX512. These are only available on modern architectures (currently Xeon Phi x200 and Skylake-X), and are also only supported by modern Intel and GNU compilers. The BlueGeneQ optimizations are enabled by using the flag -DQPX, and are only supported by the IBM xlc compiler. In addition, SSE prefetch instructions will be used if one of the following options is specified:

  • -DP4: Assume that prefetch instructions fetch 128 bytes at a time (Pentium 4 and related Xeons).

  • -DPM: Assume that prefetch instructions fetch 64 bytes at a time (Athlon, Opteron, Pentium M, Core, Core 2 and related Xeons).

  • -DP3: Assume that prefetch instructions fetch 32 bytes at a time (Pentium III).

These options have an effect only if -Dx64 or -DAVX is set. The option -DAVX implies -Dx64. If none of these options is set, the programs do not make use of any C language extensions and are fully portable.

The latest x86 processors furthermore support fused multiply-add (FMA3) instructions. OpenQCD makes use of these if the option -DFMA3 is set in addition to -DAVX (setting -DFMA3 alone has no effect).

On recent x86-64 machines the recommended compiler flags are thus

-std=c89 -O -mno-avx -DAVX -DFMA3 -DPM

For older machines that do not support the AVX instruction set, the recommended flags are

-std=c89 -O -mno-avx -Dx64 -DPM

Aggressive optimization levels such as -O2 and -O3 tend to have little effect on the execution speed of the programs, but the risk of generating wrong code is higher.

AVX instructions and the option -mno-avx may not be known to old versions of the GCC compiler, in which case one may be limited to SSE accelerations with option string -std=c89 -O -Dx64 -DPM (or no acceleration at all).

If compilers other than GCC are used together with the option -Dx64 or -DAVX, it is strongly recommended to verify the correctness of the compilation using the check programs in the devel directory.


For troubleshooting and parameter tuning, it may helpful to switch on some debugging flags at compilation time. The simulation program then prints a detailed report to the log file on the progress made in specified subprogram.

The available flags are:

  • -DCGNE_DBG: CGNE solver.

  • -DFGCR_DBG: GCR solver.

  • -DFGCR4VD_DBG: GCR solver for the little Dirac equation.

  • -DMSCG_DBG: MSCG solver.

  • -DDFL_MODES_DBG: Deflation subspace generation.

  • -DMDINT_DBG: Integration of the molecular-dynamics equations.

  • -DRWRAT_DBG: Computation of the rational function reweighting factor.

